Sometimes I just have to remind myself of the benefits of regular, consistent movement. I also have to remember that while exercise does not feel good while I'm doing it, there's never a time when I've regretted it later! I'm always glad I took the time - and that I exercise a half hour every day.
Before you do any physical activity, you should test your blood glucose! Nobody wants to begin a workout just to end up biting the ground because of low blood sugar! That's not only counter-productive and embarrassing - it's downright dangerous! That's also a very good reason to have an exercise partner if at all possible. If you don't have a workout partner, at least let somebody know you're getting ready to exercise before you start. Be accountable to someone for your own safety.
Now, a reminder of why we need to move for a total of 30 minutes every day. Exercise provides a better insulin response, and with a better insulin response, your cells use glucose from your blood more efficiently, which lowers your blood glucose readings! Who does not want that? Exercise also helps you lose body fat and replaces fat with muscle, which also improves insulin sensitivity.
Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings.
-Publilius Syrus
As little as 10 minutes, 3 times a day will do the trick! You don't have to go to a gym and knock yourself out for a couple of hours! I know there are some folks who are so into their workout and they make it their entire life - but that's not how I roll. For me, it's all about change - and variety. If I get bored with something, chances are I'm going to quit. My routine changes every day.
There are some days when I do a 10 minute walk first thing in the morning, then after lunch I hop on the bike for another 10 minutes then after dinner take another walk or ride another 10 minutes.
There are several creative ways to exercise. Some days, I like to grab a dust cloth and start dusting and dancing in the privacy of my own home. Okay, you can stop laughing now. No, seriously - quit it! I also have a stationary bike and treadmill in my workout room, along with some 3 lb. weights. We are blessed to have good sidewalks in our neighborhood and a safe area to walk - so most days I take advantage of that.
One contributor to insulin resistance in the receptors is dehydration. A leading contributor to back pain is dehydration. It can even contribute to strokes and heart attacks, as well as angina pain. - Dr. David W. Tanton
One more thing - after you workout, make sure you - hydrate! When you exercise you lose fluids through sweat (if you don't, then you're not working hard enough). If you drink plenty of water after your workout then it will replenish what you have lost.
After you hydrate - test your blood glucose again.
The most important thing to do is listen to your body - nobody knows you like... well... YOU! Diabetics have a unique opportunity in this regard. Non-diabetic people are often not tuned in to anything where their bodies are concerned - they run around pretty much on "auto-pilot" and don't really listen to their internal clock. Diabetics have no choice but to "plug-in" and "turn-on" to our inner workings. It's a gift, really. Yes, it is a non-returnable, non-refundable gift. I thought I heard someone ask.
Living a healthy lifestyle with diabetes is important for maintaining good control of blood glucose levels. Exercise combined with plenty of water, high alkaline food choices and lean protein is a good prescription for success. We can manage this thing. Yes we can!
Now, talking about the "E" word wasn't all that bad, was it?
If you're like me and have some physical limitations, this video might be helpful.

Today is a pampered princess holiday - NATIONAL MUD PACK DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more??? Reward yourself for exercising regularly. Make your appointment for a facial today. Ah!!!!!!!!! Nice!!!!!!!