live with physical challenges.
I am NOT a DOCTOR!!! I don't even play one on TV!!! It is my goal to live a more healthy lifestyle. Living well and being happy is what this blog is all about.

"Nothing,' wrote Tolstoy, 'can make our life, or the lives of other people, more
beautiful than perpetual kindness."

- Gretchen Rubin

I write about my own experiences and what works (or does not) for me. Nothing I write is to be taken as medical advice.

Only your health care provider, personal physician,Disclaimer:
I am not a doctor - I don't even play one on TV! This
or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Snippets of Happiness

Delight yourself also in the LORD: and he shall give you the desires of your heart.  - Psalm 37:4

Where do you go to receive inspiration for your journey?  Well, hopefully, it is abundantly clear that I go to God's Word for the bulk of my inspiration to face my day to day challenges, but there are other valuable resources in addition to the more obvious ones.  Finding time in your day to just enjoy a moment here and there can make all the difference in your attitude - your mental and physical wellness. 

I have enjoyed the writings of several authors who promote minimal living with maximum happiness and joy.  These books have taught me that we do have choices in our lives and I believe the choice to be happy is one of the most important ones we can make for ourselves.  Even in the worst pit of loss, we have a choice to be bitter or be better from that point on.  Making the best of what life hands you is a choice.  Sometimes it's a choice you have to make on a minute-to-minute basis.  Sometimes it's a choice you have to make daily.     

I read a book by Gretchen Rubin that explains that it is indeed possible to have some little snippets of happiness throughout your day without spending too much time, effort or money.  I was skeptical until I began to be a little more creative in my own everyday life.  You know what I discovered?  What she said is absolutely true!  There's just one requirement:  you have to want these moments enough to create them for yourself.  Many people just pass them by without even making an effort to create them.  The opportunity for a moment of happiness is gone and they don't even realize it's passed them by.  It's called living with intention.

Know what you can do with your brain that will give you a comforting break from your worries, at least for a little while.  - Gretchen Rubin

Since I've made some drastic changes in my food choices, I've noticed that grocery shopping has lost some of its "zip" for me.  That may sound strange, but once your mindset is geared toward food being merely a source of energy, it becomes fuel instead of something to be enjoyed - grocery shopping is not as much fun as it used to be.  It's a real drag these days - a chore and a bore!

Last week it was time to go to the store and stock up on fuel for our tummies again.  Boring!  I told my husband how I was feeling and he had a great idea.  We went to a new grocery store on the other side of town that not only has the usual foods, but some exotic items that most of the grocery stores on our side of town don't carry.   

As we walked in the first set of doors, my senses were immediately intrigued.  I smelled the most wonderful Autumn scent - it was a woodsy, spicy, cinnamon sort of scent and I remember thinking, "Ah - this is going to be a great grocery shopping experience!"  Then as we entered the second set of doors, my senses were once again engaged with the sound of classical music!  I was hooked! 

The cute little green shopping carts were large enough to put a few items in, yet you didn't feel as if you were driving a tank around the store.  The aisles were roomy, yet the entire store felt intimate at the same time.  Whoever designed this grocery store knew exactly what they were doing - and it is a stroke of genius! 

Their produce was beautiful but not unreasonably priced.  We picked up most of what was on our shopping list.  They do accept coupons, so even if some of the items were a few cents more than they were at our old grocery store, the coupons helped offset the cost for us.  I just thoroughly enjoyed the shopping experience - the entire package! 

These special snippets of happiness can include anything, but I don't recommend something that costs too much money.  For example, I like a good massage, but I'd be broke in a month if I indulged in one every week!  

And make sure your snippet doesn't include any old habits you used to have.  For me it's junk food.  I already know I'm not going to get caught in that "forbidden food" trap again - and if I don't have money, I'm not going to shop.  See, that took care of that!  

Just taking a moment to enjoy the surroundings at the new grocery store was a real "spirit lifter" for me.  Even if we had not bought anything, I still would have enjoyed just being there and letting my senses take in the atmosphere. 

Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities.  
- Aldous Huxley 
The trick, or "challenge", if you will, is to change it up - and often.  Anything you make a regular part of your routine just becomes - well, part of the routine.  So I will probably not go back into the quaint little market again for a while - but when I do, it will be a "treat" once again. 
Depending on how creative your mind can be, you could find a little "treat" every day - but it's up to you to create it.  This is your life and it's your choice whether you will live it with little sparks of spontaneity or not.  I've decided I want to leave the main highway and drive some back roads once in a while.  How about you?  
One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.  - Iris Murdoch
Here's a little treat for you today.  Beautiful photos from all around the world. 

Today is DO SOMETHING NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is no limit to what you could do for someone - or more than one person.  Use the creative imagination the good Lord gave you and make somebody's day really special.   

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