Most of us are aware of the fact that if an essential oil has any sort of "fragrance" listed in its ingredients, it is not truly an essential oil and should not be purchased. So, I know I am stretching a bit to connect fragrance day with essential oils since the oils should not contain any sort of fragrance whatsoever. Ok - there's my disclaimer about that. Now let's move on and learn more about wellness and essential oils.
In ancient Chinese medicine, there is a philosophy known as the Five Pillars of Health. Only through proper balance can we achieve better health and well being. These five pillars are:
- Wisdom
- Nutrition
- Aromatherapy
- Shiatsu Bodywork Therapy
- Body Movement
How about a bath with a few drops of essential oils? Here are a few recipes.
For a Relaxing and Calming Bath:
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Cedarwood
To Relieve Nervousness:
6 drops Geranium
4 drops Basil
For Insomnia:
4 drops Chamomile
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Neroli
2 drops Marjoram
For an Energizing Bath:
3 drops Rosemary
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Frankincense
Have you ever had a serious case of sunburn??? Here's the recipe for
Just a few drops of Lavender in your bath water!
Keep in mind that when you take these special baths, all doors and windows should be closed in order to gain full benefit from the aromatherapy.
There are two ways to use essential oils for aromatherapy. Topical, such as for baths and massages - and Inhalation.
Topical - Essential oils can be applied directly to the skin, but do a small test patch on the skin to make sure there is no irritation. Every skin type is different and some oils can be irritating on some skin. You may need to dilute with a carrier oil or pure vegetable oil prior to use.
Steps for topical application: Place 2-3 drops of oil in the palm of your hand or directly on the desired area. If placing oil in your hand, rub palms together in a circular motion and then massage oil onto the desired point of application. If applying directly to the desired area, massage the oil into your skin using a circular motion. Repeat as desired.
Key areas for topical application:
- Crown of head
- Temples
- Behind ears
- Neck
- Upper back
- Abdomen
- Over vital organs
- Soles and tops of feet
- Ankles
For a Clean, fresh smell in the Air:
1 drop Cedarwood
3 drops Pine
2 drops Rosemary
To Induce Sleep:
2 drops Chamomile
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Neroli
For a Spicy Aroma:
4 drops Bergamot
2 drops Clove
Would you like to have a little ROMANCE in the air??? Well, here's how you do it. Remember ladies - you saw it here first!
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Orange
2 drops Ylang Ylang
Steam inhalation is not recommended for those who are asthmatic. The directions for this technique are as follows:
Place a few drops of essential oil into a bowl of very hot water. Drape a towel over your head and lean over the bowl. Inhale the steam deeply for 5-10 minutes or however long you are comfortable. Remove the towel from your head and blot the moisture from your face. Don't be too quick to discard the contents from the bowl as the steam will continue to release the beneficial aroma into the air.
Ever have a nasty cold or flu with awful congestion? Try this!
Cold and Flu Steam Inhalation:
3 drops Eucalyptus
"Scents have a powerful impact on the mind," says Kathi Keville, aromatherapist and director of the American Herb Association. "They might not be as strong as antidepressant drugs, but the beauty is that they do not have side effects and can be used repeatedly during the day. We have no evidence that there is any conflict to using aromatherapy along with medicine."
"For pain management, aromatherapy can provide pain relief within 10 to 15 minutes after anti-inflammatory essential oils are massaged into an affected area," says Keville.
To find a qualified aromatherapist, Keville recommends contacting The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy.
Keeping some Lavender on hand for sure!
I was reminded by my friends at Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses that today is also World Down Syndrome Day, an opportunity to draw much deserved attention to a group of wonderful people and to raise people’s awareness and understanding of Down syndrome.
If you have not checked out the wonderful work these folks do, I'd invite you to take a look at their facebook page and give them a "like".
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