live with physical challenges.
I am NOT a DOCTOR!!! I don't even play one on TV!!! It is my goal to live a more healthy lifestyle. Living well and being happy is what this blog is all about.

"Nothing,' wrote Tolstoy, 'can make our life, or the lives of other people, more
beautiful than perpetual kindness."

- Gretchen Rubin

I write about my own experiences and what works (or does not) for me. Nothing I write is to be taken as medical advice.

Only your health care provider, personal physician,Disclaimer:
I am not a doctor - I don't even play one on TV! This
or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wellness A-Z: T=The Tide is High

T=The Tide is High
The Tide Is High
  The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
Oh, no

It's not the things you do that tease and wound me bad
But it's the way you do the things you do to me

I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
Oh, no

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one

Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'til it's my turn

I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
Oh, no

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one

Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'til it's my turn

I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
Oh, no

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Most of the "large moments" of my life are surrounded with music.  My first crush and I adopted the song, "I Think I Love You".  My husband and I have the song "True Love Ways".  When I was saved I sang "Amazing Grace" and continue to sing that song every day of my life!

When I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I clung to a song recorded in 1967 by The Paragons.  Of course, the version I am more familiar with is the recording made in 1980 by Blondie.  It felt as though I was being swept in by a huge tide - and yes, the tide was indeed very high - and so were the stakes of the game.

I know the song talks about a girl who wants to be number one in a guy's life, but some of the lyrics speak to me and the relationship I have with my disease.  When I sing "I'm gonna be your number one", I'm saying I will overcome and beat diabetes.  When I sing "I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that" - I mean that literally.  I'm not. 

I'm stubborn as all get-out!  There, I admitted it - it's in writing!

To go from being so unwell and spiraling down rather quickly - to being on a path toward wellness and inner peace and harmony is a real gift from God.  I'm thankful to Him for putting all the resources and people in my life that I need to continue on this path.  Why would I ever want to go back to where I used to be - physically ill and emotionally unstable?  There's no way I want to even entertain the notion of visiting that place again!

Has the journey been worthwhile?  Oh, you bet!  Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat!  Will I turn back?  Oh, heck no!  Has it been worth giving up white sugar, white flour, white rice and all other sugar-spiking foods?  Has it been worth giving up the diet pop and incorporating some movement every day?  Absolutely!

Having happy blood sugar is more important than anything to me.  When my blood sugar is happy - guess what?  I'm happy!!!  In 1980 the tide was high - very high.  Today - I'm out there surfing and riding the waves! 

It feels great!  Control is a wonderful thing! 

The Tide Is High (but I'm holding on...)


Today is Groundhog Day!!!!!!!!!  According to Punxsutawney Phil (if you can believe a groundhog), it will be an early spring this year.



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