God's Firefly
What was God thinking
When He made the firefly?
Was He thinking how beautiful
Summer nights would be?
What was He thinking
When He made their tails light up?
Was He thinking of the children
And the joy on their faces?
What was God thinking
When He made so many?
Was He thinking that together
Their tails could light a dark path?
What was He thinking?
Perhaps, that we should be like them,
Let our lights shine, and together
We could lead people home.
I want to be God's firefly.
It is so easy to be swept away by the media's image of what a woman should look like. In this day and age with technology being so advanced, it's important to remember that these images are not true! Even the models who pose for these photos are not "good enough" - they have to be photo shopped like crazy in order to fit the "standard". Unrealistic, unattainable and untrue!
This may sound like a broken record to you, but God made you to be an individual. He did not mean for all of us to be a supermodel. I'll let you in on a little secret. I've spoken with quite a few men on the subject and they all tell me that they don't want a woman who is so perfect! Does that surprise you? I have to admit, it surprised me!
True beauty radiates from your soul - your spirit! All the rest of that stuff - airbrushing and photo shopping - it's just fake and fluff. If you have a happy, healthy soul, there's no way that you will not shine from within! You can't help it! That peace of mind and the happiness that abides in your spirit will show through in your personality and it will draw others toward you.
I like to think of the human spirit as a firefly. When we are at peace with who we are and feel true love and contentment inside, we glow! It's my personal belief that the light in my soul is from the Holy Spirit. His light shines through me and it can not (and should not) be contained.
Does one firefly look at another firefly with envy or jealousy? No. The larger firefly does not look at the smaller one and say, "Sigh - I wish I could be a little firefly like you!" The larger firefly just flies around glowing just as bright as it can. Does the little firefly look at the larger firefly and say, "Oh - you are larger than me, so you should not be allowed to shine your light!" - ? Again, no. The smaller firefly just does what it was made to do - shine its own light with no regard to what any other firefly is doing.
Be the firefly God made you to be. Shine the light that God put inside you.
I hope we are finally beginning to get it right. The new skinny is called healthy! Learn that lesson well. Don't confuse thin with healthy because they are not the same thing. If you choose to adopt a healthy lifestyle, stand back, prepare to be amazed and let nature take its course. An old hymn just came to my mind. "Let The Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In Me".
Trust God, eat a healthy alkaline diet, get plenty of sunshine, drink plenty of water, get enough rest, exercise a little every day, laugh often and BREATHE. Choose to be the happy, healthy, beautiful firefly God meant for you to be. Glow like a firefly!
Today is PUBLIC SLEEPING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of getting enough rest throughout the day. I just have one question... couldn't some of these people get - you know - fired for sleeping on the job???
My personal favorite!